
News and views, recept trips, forthcoming events, workshop reports and any other photography related articles.

Two years and counting…

Two years and counting…

Posted on 30th December, 2021

It's now two years since I wrote my last blog for this website. Just over two years since I wrote my last newsletter. In some ways time has almost seemed to stand still - in other respects, so much has happened and the world feels so changed, that two years ago seems a lifetime...

A decade of photographs

A decade of photographs

Posted on 30th December, 2019

A few of us have been posting our four favourite images from 2019 - as is often the way as each year draws to an end. I posted mine on social media a few days before Christmas. I then saw a tweet from the Togcast guys saying what about best of the decade? That sounded a challenge too...

Mood versus Composition

Mood versus Composition

Posted on 11th December, 2019

There are many variables outwith our control in photography. Depending on your viewpoint, you can see this as a frustration or as one of the joys of our craft – that we can never be quite sure what we are going to get. The one thing that is always within our control is composition. Of...

Life in a peat bog

Life in a peat bog

Posted on 15th August, 2019

Earlier this month I spent a fascinating day with Lyndon and Jenny from Yorkshire Peat Partnership. For the best part of six hours we wandered around Fleet Moss – once covered in a rich peatland habitat, but now much of it is a desolate landscape, in parts resembling a First World War...

The Shimoda Explore 60 - a year on

The Shimoda Explore 60 - a year on

Posted on 14th June, 2019

It's well over a year since I took receipt of the best camera backpack I have ever owned, so I felt it was now time for a short update to my original review - which you can read here. At that time, I was in the early stages of recovering from torn knee and ankle ligaments and so it...

The photographic charms of South Korea

The photographic charms of South Korea

Posted on 3rd May, 2019

I would imagine most of us photographers have a mental wish list of places we’d love to visit and photograph. I know I do, and I’ll freely admit that South Korea was not on that list. However, an invitation from an old friend of my husband’s to visit them in Seoul soon...

Giving back to the landscape

Giving back to the landscape

Posted on 17th April, 2019

It feels as though our landscape is under threat as never before. The frightening reality of climate change looms ever larger on the horizon and, if that weren’t enough, government at every level seems hell bent on destroying even those places we felt were untouchable. Those of us...

Filming with BBC Countryfile in North Yorkshire

Filming with BBC Countryfile in North Yorkshire

Posted on 27th February, 2019

Late last year, thanks to the lovely Jo Rose (at Joe Cornish Gallery) I had an email from the researcher for Countryfile asking if we could have a chat about doing some filming with them in North Yorkshire. This seemed like an opportunity too good to pass up and, thankfully, their filming...

Final review of 2018 : the Drakensberg and Namibia

Final review of 2018 : the Drakensberg and Namibia

Posted on 18th February, 2019

My final photography trip of the year was a bit of special one. First, we went on one of Alex Nail's workshops to South Africa, walking and camping in the spectacular Drakensberg mountains. This was an ideal trip for Rob and I to do together as we both love walking and I knew the...

Review of 2018 and a welcome mojo return for autumn in Scotland

Review of 2018 and a welcome mojo return for autumn in...

Posted on 13th February, 2019

I'd earmarked early autumn and a return to Scotland as the time when I might get my mojo back. I've always said Scotland is my favourite place in the world in which to photograph and I'd allowed a little much-needed me time for before and after our Harris & Lewis workshop....

From spring to the end of a hot summer: review part iii

From spring to the end of a hot summer: review part iii

Posted on 15th January, 2019

I returned from Spain and went straight into a busy season of workshops in the Yorkshire Dales and Nidderdale AONB. I always do a thorough recce for these workshops - as well as I know the places we visit, seasons vary so much from year to year and I want to search out the best flowers,...

A Spanish Spring : part ii of my 2018 photographic review

A Spanish Spring : part ii of my 2018 photographic...

Posted on 7th January, 2019

Spring started early for me, with a trip to Northern Spain in the second half of April, joining Martin and Geraldine on their fabulous new Wild Photography Holidays workshop. Having visited Galicia a couple of years ago, I knew we were in for a treat. For this trip, we were based...