The Glorious Olive!

Posted on 28th September, 2012

I had the best part of 3 days to myself, photographing in Mallorca at the end of our summer holiday. After tackling a few classic views and having an extremely nasty fall in the process, I decided to concentrate on some more intimate images. One thing I was extremely keen to capture was the Mallorcan olive - the island boasts what must be some of the most magnificent and ancient olive trees to be seen. The image above was a tiny section of the inside of a hollowed out trunk of a particularly massive specimen. I experimented with taking a selection of images with different focal points and doing a quasi focus blend in photoshop to maximise depth of field.

Gnarled olive wood

The tree was surrounded by a scruffy assortment of plants and flanked by other trees and fencing in the distance, making a successful composition of the tree itself very hard to achieve. However, I was determined to try! The resulting image was taken at f/18 to get a nice starburst effect with the early morning sun shining through the tree. Framing was compromised someewhat due to the surrounding and the sheer size of the tree, but I was pleased with the end result. I did try experimenting with my 17mm tilt/shift lens to change the plane of focus and so throw the surroundings out of focus - however I tend to find these kind of images a little gimicky, for my tastes and far preferred the 'straight' version.

Ancient olive tree, Mallorca
Ancient olive tree, Mallorca

Next up is another interior composition of the same tree. Although the first composition is probably my favourite, I feel this next image really emphasises the patterns and textures of the gnarled wood of the hollowed out tree trunk. I could probably have spent many more hours, just on this one tree - but the light was soon going to become a little harsh and breakfast was calling!

Gnarled olive wood
Gnarled olive wood II